Monday, April 18, 2016

I finally have taken the Gold Line from APU to Union Station. Took me about an hour and 10 minutes to get to my job. Not bad. Better than driving in traffic. The bad part is on the way home. Took about 1 hour and 30 minutes to get to APU station...not to my house which is another 10 minutes of driving. I take the Red line to Union Station. I have to wait about 5 minutes while the train comes. At Union Station, I wait anywhere between 5-15 minutes for the gold line. I like the idea of not having to rely on my car. However, time is money. Public transportation does take longer than if you were driving your own car. Keep in mind when you do drive you are paying for wear and tear on your car that people don't think about. People usually only think about gas. How about the mental aspect? Stress! Over time you will feel it. There are higher chances of you being in an accident if you drive daily. So if you don't have to be somewhere after work like pick up the kids from daycare before 6pm (the time crunch alone can be very stressful when taking public transportation). Unfortunately, for my piece of mind I will be driving my own car for now. Get paid to write!

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