Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Game over!

Imagine the owner's face when he wanted to ride his bike back home. Spotted this bike if you can call it a bike anymore. The harsh realities of life. Tough luck. FML! Life Sucks! Never going to get ahead. Hand to mouth. Surviving and tolerating this cruel world. You can come up with a whole bunch of negatives. Well you can make this experience positive. Breathe in deep and let it all go. Time for change. Time to get a clean start. The time is now to make a change. Start fresh. Improve yourself. A sign from God saying to stop your old ways and time to do things differently. Sometimes it takes several doors slammed in your face before you get the right doors opening up. What motivates you? Do something that you enjoy....you only live once! Love writing about your hobbies, experiences, or your trips all from home like I do Click Here! If writing isn't your thing and you just want to chill at home Click Here! Of course most people will only do it when the door slams in their face and they don't have any other options. In hindsight, I wish the door slammed in my face sooner....or maybe it was just the right time since these opportunities didn't exist before.

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